In Mumbai alone over 6,80,000 readymade garments pieces for exports are stuck on account of non-availability of transparent plastic bags for packing," Clothing Manufacturers Association of India chairman Rajesh Masand said. Mumbai: The plastic ban order of the Maharashtra government is likely to make nearly 3,00,000 people jobless as industry urged the government to come out with a solution, an industry official said here.Failure to act immediately will cause untold misery to all. Many units are on the verge of closure in the absence of basic packaging material - plastic bags and we fear that nearly 3,00,000 people employed may become jobless. The plastic ban order of the Maharashtra government is likely to make nearly 3,00,000 people jobless as industry urged the government to come out with a solution, an industry official said here.

The ban covers a wide range of articles made of plastic and thermocol, including, bags, dishes, cups, glasses, bowls, forks, spoon, straw, containers, small PET bottles and decoration items.."The Bombay High Court has directed the Maharashtra government to file its reply by April 9 and hopefully will rule on our petition seeking a stay on this ban on April 11," Maharashtra Plastic Manufacturers Association vice president Ravi Jasnani said."We met and petitioned the minister for environment - Ram Das Kadam yesterday and sought waiver on packaging material till alternatives are identified and made available" Gandhi said. This may not yield commensurate gains to the environment as envisioned by the plastic ban notification, Gandhi said."The ban on plastic bags has derailed the production, packaging and supply schedules of grains, bakery and clothing industries. We urged the Maharashtra government to come out with a solution to save the China PVC sheets industry," Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce and Industry vice president Lalit Gandhi told reporters here.The state on March 23 had issued the Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Products notification that banned the manufacture, use, storage, distribution, sale, import and transportation of all kinds of plastic items.We have urged the Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis to treat food grains and all food items including fruits and vegetables at par with milk and extend the repository (50 paisa per bag) scheme on them.The industry urged the government to come out with a solution, an industry official said here

    China PVC sheets
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